Professor David Wiesenfeld is the VCCC Alliance Research & Education Lead – Head and Neck cancer. In this role, he is working to map opportunities across the alliance to develop expert networks, deliver strategic educational programming, improve sharing of data for research, and implement multi-partner clinical trials to speed up the translation of new research into routine clinical practice.
He was appointed Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon with an interest in oral cancer at The Royal Melbourne Hospital in 1983. He has held appointments at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and was appointed as Director of the Head and Neck Tumour Stream across the shared clinical services of Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and The Royal Melbourne Hospital in 2015, having served as Head of the Head and Neck Tumour Stream at The Royal Melbourne Hospital for eight years. He is Past Chairman of the Australian and New Zealand Head and Neck Cancer Society Research Foundation and a Past President of ANZHNCS.